JTombstone on JTombstone

Run on: 7/2/06

Show the following life levels:  Inherited  Constant  Dead


All423203Counts in all selected packages.
All Selected Types1510Counts in all selected life types.
Rooted000Methods that are roots, or called by roots.
Inherited000Methods called by roots via sub-class methods.
Constant000Classes with non-private static final variables.
Dead1510Not called by Rooted or Inherited methods.
None000This class or package has no methods.

48 Warnings

Show warnings.
Could not find class java.lang.Object on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.Comparator on classpath.
Could not find class java.lang.Comparable on classpath.
Could not find class org.apache.log4j.Logger on classpath.
Could not find class java.lang.Class on classpath.
Could not find class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError on classpath.
Could not find class java.lang.ClassNotFoundException on classpath.
Could not find class java.lang.StringBuffer on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.SortedMap on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.Iterator on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.Set on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.Map$Entry on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.TreeMap on classpath.
Could not find class java.lang.String on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.ArrayList on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.List on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.HashSet on classpath.
Could not find class java.io.BufferedReader on classpath.
Could not find class java.io.BufferedWriter on classpath.
Could not find class java.io.InputStreamReader on classpath.
Could not find class java.io.OutputStreamWriter on classpath.
Could not find class java.io.PrintStream on classpath.
Could not find class java.io.FileReader on classpath.
Could not find class java.io.FileWriter on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.HashMap on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.Map on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.TreeSet on classpath.
Could not find class org.exolab.castor.mapping.Mapping on classpath.
Could not find class org.exolab.castor.xml.Marshaller on classpath.
Could not find class org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.Collection on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.Collections on classpath.
Could not find class java.io.IOException on classpath.
Could not find class java.io.File on classpath.
Could not find class java.lang.Exception on classpath.
Could not find class java.io.FileInputStream on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.jar.JarFile on classpath.
Could not find class java.io.DataInputStream on classpath.
Could not find class java.lang.Double on classpath.
Could not find class java.lang.Long on classpath.
Could not find class java.lang.Float on classpath.
Could not find class java.lang.Integer on classpath.
Could not find class java.io.InputStream on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.Enumeration on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.zip.ZipEntry on classpath.
Could not find class java.util.Date on classpath.
Could not find class java.text.DateFormat on classpath.
Could not find class java.lang.System on classpath.

Detailed Results

Show?Most AliveLeast AliveName
RootedDead    Constant
Dead         toString()Ljava.lang.String;
RootedDead    JavaClass
Dead         toString()Ljava.lang.String;
RootedDead    JavaClass$ClassComparator
Dead         (init)()V
Dead         compare(Ljava.lang.Object;Ljava.lang.Object;)I
RootedDead    Method
Dead         compareTo(Ljava.lang.Object;)I
Dead         equals(Ljava.lang.Object;)Z
Dead         hashCode()I
Dead         toString()Ljava.lang.String;
RootedDead    TypeOfLife
Dead         compareTo(Ljava.lang.Object;)I
Dead         toString()Ljava.lang.String;
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